Frequently Asked Questions.
Message Light Compatibility
Most Scitec hotel phones automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals in support of Mitel, Alcatel, Hitachi, and other popular PBX models…right out of the box. Modifications are required at an additional charge to convert standard NEON message-lamps on the following models; 2510D, 2510D-e, 2510E. Message waiting light modifications are not available on models H2001-09, H2000VRI, H2001, or 205TMW.
2-Line Phones
With 2-line Scitec hotel phones, the guest may talk on Line 1 and operate a laptop computer in the guest room on Line 2. Scitec telephones automatically recognize the open line, freeing the hotel guest from having to anticipate which line is ringing while operating a laptop connection on either line. Both business travelers downloading email and working on the Internet, and family guests accessing Internet in the guest room appreciate this guest room phone feature.
Faceplate Printing
National account faceplate packages are available on purchases of at least 50 telephones of the same model and color for shipment in the Continental U.S. For information on available national account packages or faceplate product and pricing details, write [email protected].
Message Light Function
Most Scitec hotel phones are equipped with a message waiting light designed to provide a visual notification of a voice mail message. Scitec hotel phones are equipped a lighted message retrieval lightbar speed dial key which may be programmed to automatically speed dial the user into voicemail.
Message light formats (North America)
Most models automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals. Following is an overview of the 3 most common message waiting light (MWL) systems used in North America, and how Scitec hotel phones operate with these systems:
Message light formats (Outside North America)
Most Scitec hotel phones automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals. In addition to the popular 90-volt neon MWL, AT&T/Lucent/Avaya Low Voltage LED MWL, and Centrex/CLASS/fsk/vmwi MWL systems most frequently specified in North America, the following MWL systems are also used occasionally in North America, but more frequently in South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, include:
As with any audio device, the “sound quality” of calls on speakerphone will depend on how it is used. Following are some basic tips for getting maximum performance from Scitec speakerphones:
Never spray any liquid cleaner directly onto or into the telephone, as it will drip down into the telephone body and damage the electronic parts inside. Telephones are NOT waterproof, and they will be damaged if any liquid gets on the interior electronic parts.Instead, spray a small amount of liquid cleaner onto a clean, soft, cotton cloth. Cotton baby diapers work best, followed by standard shop towels. Then using the damp cloth, wipe all the surfaces clean. Spray Fantastic does a good job of removing fingerprints and greasy spots, or any “no-rinse” liquid spray cleaner will work. Avoid using Comet, Soft-Scrub, or any other bathroom cleaners that contain abrasives or bleach, as they damage and dull the plastic surfaces on a telephone. Wipe off all traces of liquid cleaner with a clean, dry portion of the cotton cloth. This should immediately restore the phone to “like-new” appearance.
Telephone Not Working
Occasionally a phone may appear to not work at all. First, try changing the cords (both the wall cord and the handset cord) and the handset itself before deciding that the entire telephone needs to be sent in for repairs. The cords themselves are the most likely parts to break or get damaged. Finally, if changing the cords and handset doesn’t help, try a different phone that is known to be working. Sometimes, the problem will be in the PBX, switchboard, or wiring, rather than in the telephone itself.
Speed Dial Key Programming
Occasionally, it may be necessary to re-program the speed-dial memory keys on a telephone. Perhaps some of the numbers you want guests to call on the speed-dial keys have been changed. Or, if you have a hotel phone that has completely lost its speed-dial memory contents, the most likely cause is power surges, lightning, or static electricity. In most cases, all that is needed to repair this problem is to re-program the speed-dial memory keys. Technical note: Power surges, nearby lightning strikes, and static electricity may sometimes “scramble” the internal memory inside any telephone, causing the speed-dial keys to temporarily stop functioning until they are reprogrammed. Although some Scitec telephones contain an internal lithium backup battery for the speed-dial memories, we have not experienced any failures of these batteries. This internal lithium battery is designed to last 10 years before it needs replacement. Do not assume that speed-dial memory problems are caused by bad batteries inside the telephone. Most are not. Should you encounter a situation where a Scitec telephone is frequently losing its memory key contents please contact the Scitec support team.
Speed Dial Key Re-Programming
To re-program speed-dial memory keys, first remove the clear plastic faceplate overlay and the printed paper faceplate underneath. This will give you access to the and keys, which are hidden under the faceplate. Next, lift the handset, press , dial the number to be stored, and then press the speed-dial key that this number is to be stored into. After re-programming a speed-dial memory key, check it by lifting the handset and pressing the newly programmed speed-dial key to verify that the desired number is called.
OneTouch Voice Mail Programming
The voice mail retrieval lightbar located on the front of the phone is programmed exactly the same as any other speed-dial memory key: Lift the handset, press, dial the voice mail commands, press again, press, and hang up. You may test by pressing the lightbar key which automatically takes the phone “off-hook” in speakerphone mode, and then dials the voice mail system. This makes it possible to listen to voice mail messages through the speakerphone by simply pressing the lightbar a single time, without lifting the handset from the cradle. To listen to messages privately, simply lift the handset either before or after pressing lightbar. To hang up after listening to voice mail messages, either replace the handset in the cradle or press the lightbar once.
Cleaning Telephone Faceplates
If the faceplate area gets smudged or dirty, first remove the clear plastic faceplate overlay and clean it separately. The clear plastic faceplate overlay is held on by 6 little tabs. By pushing it towards you with your thumb from the very top of the phone, it will warp up slightly in the middle, and can then be easily lifted up in the middle with a fingernail or a small screwdriver. Then it will pop right out. Clean and completely dry the clear plastic faceplate overlay before putting it back on the phone. Make sure the clear plastic sheet is completely dry on both sides before putting it back on the phone. This way the printed paper faceplate underneath doesn’t get wet and wrinkled or stained. When putting the faceplate back on, make sure that all the little tabs fit down into the matching slots in the telephone body. To keep all your faceplates looking really nice, order 1 extra pre-printed paper faceplate for every 5 to 10 phones in your property at the time of your initial faceplate order, so they can be changed later whenever they get badly stained. Ordering spare faceplates with the original order saves additional setup and minimum order charges that apply to small orders of pre-printed faceplates.
Cleaning Telephone Keys
If enough liquid has been spilled on a phone to cause the buttons and keys to stick, it sometimes may be necessary to have it disassembled and professionally cleaned by a qualified electronic technician, or even replace it. Spilled soft drinks are particularly likely to make the buttons and keys stick, as sugar becomes very sticky when it starts to dry out. However, there is one way to clean sticky keys in the field without taking the phone completely apart. First, disconnect the telephone from the wall outlet. Then remove both the clear plastic faceplate covering and the paper one underneath. Cut a business card or other thin but sturdy paper or thin plastic material into thin strips that will fit into the narrow cracks around the keys. Working this in and out of all the spaces between the keys and the telephone body may clear up sticky keys. It is Ok to dampen the card material slightly with Fantastic or spray cleaner. But don’t allow an excessive amount of liquid to run down into the keys. Allow the phone to dry out for a couple of hours before plugging it back in.
Cleaning Telephone Cords
Handset cords can be more easily cleaned if unplugged from both the phone and the handset first. Then you can wipe them thoroughly with a cloth dampened with your favorite “no-rinse” spray cleaner. It is also much easier to untangle handset cords when detached from the handset and the phone. Keep a few spare handset cords on hand to replace ones that get badly tangled or really dirty. Spare handset cords are available at very reasonable prices. Replace all handset cords that are torn or frayed at the ends, or don’t make a good solid connection when they are snapped into the handset or the telephone body. This reduces problems with static on the phone line and with handsets cutting in and out because of bad cords and bad connections at their sockets.
Cleaning Telephone Handsets
It is easiest to clean a handset if it is first disconnected from the handset cord. Use “no-rinse” cleaner sprayed on a soft cloth. Be sure to have spare handsets available in case you have some handsets get too dirty to clean. We recommend keeping one spare handset for every 25 telephones, as occasionally one will break if it’s dropped on the floor too many times. When a phone seems to no longer be working, try a new handset and handset cord first before sending in the whole telephone for repair. Over half of all phone problems are caused by bad handsets and bad handset cords. If a handset seems to have loose parts rattling around inside, it has probably been dropped and should be replaced.
Programming Lobby and Emergency Phones
Scitec lobby and emergency hotel phones are designed to operate in conjunction with a PBX phone system or in ring-down mode through service provided by a local telephone company. The phones do not have any internal dialing capabilities.
Most Scitec hotel phones automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals in support of Mitel, Alcatel, Hitachi, and other popular PBX models…right out of the box. Modifications are required at an additional charge to convert standard NEON message-lamps on the following models; 2510D, 2510D-e, 2510E. Message waiting light modifications are not available on models H2001-09, H2000VRI, H2001, or 205TMW.
2-Line Phones
With 2-line Scitec hotel phones, the guest may talk on Line 1 and operate a laptop computer in the guest room on Line 2. Scitec telephones automatically recognize the open line, freeing the hotel guest from having to anticipate which line is ringing while operating a laptop connection on either line. Both business travelers downloading email and working on the Internet, and family guests accessing Internet in the guest room appreciate this guest room phone feature.
Faceplate Printing
National account faceplate packages are available on purchases of at least 50 telephones of the same model and color for shipment in the Continental U.S. For information on available national account packages or faceplate product and pricing details, write [email protected].
Message Light Function
Most Scitec hotel phones are equipped with a message waiting light designed to provide a visual notification of a voice mail message. Scitec hotel phones are equipped a lighted message retrieval lightbar speed dial key which may be programmed to automatically speed dial the user into voicemail.
Message light formats (North America)
Most models automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals. Following is an overview of the 3 most common message waiting light (MWL) systems used in North America, and how Scitec hotel phones operate with these systems:
- 90-volt neon MWL: This is the traditional “orange” neon lamp MWL, and is the standard MWL in most hospitality telephones. All Scitec hotel phones with message waiting lights support this format. 90-volt neon MWL is provided by all varieties of PBX products made by Mitel, Hitachi, and NEC. Third-party MWL control boxes are also available that support the 90-volt neon MWL, so it can be added to any PBX. It is commonly referred to by several names, including Neon, High Voltage, or 90 Volts. Actually, the number of “volts” for the neon MWL may be specified as anything from 75 volts up to 127 volts, but functionally any voltage within this range works well.
- AT&T/Lucent/Avaya Low Voltage LED MWL: Only AT&T/AVAYA switches use this variety of MWL. As the smaller Partner system supports a maximum of only 48 telephones, it is found in small hotels. This MWL system is commonly referred to as Low Voltage, LED, or AT&T or Avaya. Scitec telephones automatically configure the telephone message waiting light to operate in either 90-volt NEON or low voltage LED switch environments without modification. Other Scitec hotel phones require the addition of a circuit module inside the phone to support the LED MWL, which is available at an additional charge, and should be requested at the time the phones are ordered.
- Centrex/CLASS/fsk/vmwi MWL: Centrex MWL technology is used by Centrex systems and by many recently introduced computer or server-based PBX switches. Centrex has no “local” PBX, but instead each phone is directly wired to the telephone company’s central office. This format applies no special voltages to the telephone line to turn the MWL on and off, but instead uses a data transmission technique that is a variation on Caller ID. Centrex MWL is not often found in hotel systems, except in concentrated urban areas like NYC and Atlantic City, NJ. Centrex MWL is frequently used in government offices and large educational institutions. Use of this system is projected to rapidly increase, however, as more computer and server-based PBX switches come onto the market. This system is referred to by any combination of the following words: Centrex; CLASS (stands for: “Custom Local Area Signaling Services,” a Bell Telephone acronym from the 1970s); fsk (stands for “frequency shift keying” a data transmission technique used by Caller ID and computer modems); 18 volt AC (technically irrelevant, but some older add-on Centrex MWL modules needed an AC adaptor, and it was usually 18 volts); vmwi (stands for: “Visual Message Waiting Indicator,” another Bell System acronym). Scitec offers an internal Centrex MWL option at an additional charge per telephone, installed. The Centrex MWL option should be requested when the phones are ordered. Our Centrex MWL is powered entirely from the telephone line itself. No AC adaptor is required.
Message light formats (Outside North America)
Most Scitec hotel phones automatically detect NEON, LED, and Reverse Polarity message-lamp signals. In addition to the popular 90-volt neon MWL, AT&T/Lucent/Avaya Low Voltage LED MWL, and Centrex/CLASS/fsk/vmwi MWL systems most frequently specified in North America, the following MWL systems are also used occasionally in North America, but more frequently in South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, include:
- Alcatel reverse polarity MWL: Alcatel (France) PBX systems commonly require a 90-volt NEON MWL in North American installations, however, Alcatel deploys reverse polarity message waiting light system technology in most other parts of the world. Scitec offers an internal Alcatel reverse polarity MWL as an option.
- Siemens MWL: Siemens (Germany) PBX systems also has a proprietary message waiting light format, but normally requires 90-volt NEON on their PBX switches sold in North America. Scitec also offers an internal Siemens MWL option
As with any audio device, the “sound quality” of calls on speakerphone will depend on how it is used. Following are some basic tips for getting maximum performance from Scitec speakerphones:
- Speakerphones are designed for fairly quiet environments. Avoid using your speakerphone where there is high background noise caused by loud voices, radios, printers, copiers, or other noisy office equipment. Don’t let heater and air conditioning fans blow air directly at your telephone.
- Speakerphones will sometimes have a “hollow” or “echo” sound when used in an extremely “live” acoustic environment. For example, a room that has hard plaster walls and ceilings, large glass windows, and a hard floor surface might not be a good place to use a speakerphone. In such a room, adding a carpet, some padded furniture, or pulling the drapes over the windows should make the speakerphone sound much better.
- Locate the “microphone” opening on your speakerphone. This is a small hole or opening on the front or lower front body of your speakerphone where sound is taken in. Avoid resting your finger over this hole when using your speakerphone. Don’t rustle papers or tap your pencil right next to the microphone hole, or cover it up with notes or other office materials.
- Avoid talking before the person on the other end of the call is finished speaking. When both parties talk at the same time, only the louder person’s voice comes through. If your speakerphone has a key, try switching off (mute) your microphone when you want to listen carefully to the other end. Muting your microphone first is especially recommended when listening to voice mail and other recorded messages on your speakerphone.
- Do not use your speakerphone to make announcements over a loudspeaker paging system connected to your system. When paging and making announcements, always use your handset.
- When talking, try to face your speakerphone and stay within arm’s length of the telephone. Don’t turn your head, stand up, or move far away from your desk while talking.
- Place your speakerphone at least six inches away from the edge of your desk. The surface of your desk in front of the telephone will help focus sounds and allow the speakerphone to pick up your voice more clearly.
- Find your speakerphone’s volume control, and experiment with it. If you have difficulty hearing the other side of the call, try adjusting your speaker volume. On most speakerphones, the volume control setting has a large effect on the overall performance of the speakerphone. The best volume setting is usually NOT all the way to either the loud or soft end of the volume control. Try different volume settings from soft to loud until you find the best setting. When the volume is adjusted properly, there will be far less sound interruptions where one party cannot hear the other side of the call. The “best” volume control setting may vary a bit from call to call.
- If you have background noise, try turning off your microphone (use your key) when the party at the other end is speaking. Turn it back on when you wish to speak.
- If difficulty in hearing persists, lift the handset to continue the conversation. Occasionally, there are some combinations of background noises, weak sound volume from the other end of the call, and variations in the quality of outside telephone company equipment that simply do not work well with any speakerphone.
- In conference rooms, use of a specially designed “conference speakerphone” is recommended. In desktop telephones, the built-in speakerphone is optimized for use by only one person at a time. The special “star shaped” conference room speakerphone systems combine larger and louder speakers with multiple microphones. These are usually designed to be placed right in the middle of a large conference table.
Never spray any liquid cleaner directly onto or into the telephone, as it will drip down into the telephone body and damage the electronic parts inside. Telephones are NOT waterproof, and they will be damaged if any liquid gets on the interior electronic parts.Instead, spray a small amount of liquid cleaner onto a clean, soft, cotton cloth. Cotton baby diapers work best, followed by standard shop towels. Then using the damp cloth, wipe all the surfaces clean. Spray Fantastic does a good job of removing fingerprints and greasy spots, or any “no-rinse” liquid spray cleaner will work. Avoid using Comet, Soft-Scrub, or any other bathroom cleaners that contain abrasives or bleach, as they damage and dull the plastic surfaces on a telephone. Wipe off all traces of liquid cleaner with a clean, dry portion of the cotton cloth. This should immediately restore the phone to “like-new” appearance.
Telephone Not Working
Occasionally a phone may appear to not work at all. First, try changing the cords (both the wall cord and the handset cord) and the handset itself before deciding that the entire telephone needs to be sent in for repairs. The cords themselves are the most likely parts to break or get damaged. Finally, if changing the cords and handset doesn’t help, try a different phone that is known to be working. Sometimes, the problem will be in the PBX, switchboard, or wiring, rather than in the telephone itself.
Speed Dial Key Programming
Occasionally, it may be necessary to re-program the speed-dial memory keys on a telephone. Perhaps some of the numbers you want guests to call on the speed-dial keys have been changed. Or, if you have a hotel phone that has completely lost its speed-dial memory contents, the most likely cause is power surges, lightning, or static electricity. In most cases, all that is needed to repair this problem is to re-program the speed-dial memory keys. Technical note: Power surges, nearby lightning strikes, and static electricity may sometimes “scramble” the internal memory inside any telephone, causing the speed-dial keys to temporarily stop functioning until they are reprogrammed. Although some Scitec telephones contain an internal lithium backup battery for the speed-dial memories, we have not experienced any failures of these batteries. This internal lithium battery is designed to last 10 years before it needs replacement. Do not assume that speed-dial memory problems are caused by bad batteries inside the telephone. Most are not. Should you encounter a situation where a Scitec telephone is frequently losing its memory key contents please contact the Scitec support team.
Speed Dial Key Re-Programming
To re-program speed-dial memory keys, first remove the clear plastic faceplate overlay and the printed paper faceplate underneath. This will give you access to the and keys, which are hidden under the faceplate. Next, lift the handset, press , dial the number to be stored, and then press the speed-dial key that this number is to be stored into. After re-programming a speed-dial memory key, check it by lifting the handset and pressing the newly programmed speed-dial key to verify that the desired number is called.
OneTouch Voice Mail Programming
The voice mail retrieval lightbar located on the front of the phone is programmed exactly the same as any other speed-dial memory key: Lift the handset, press, dial the voice mail commands, press again, press, and hang up. You may test by pressing the lightbar key which automatically takes the phone “off-hook” in speakerphone mode, and then dials the voice mail system. This makes it possible to listen to voice mail messages through the speakerphone by simply pressing the lightbar a single time, without lifting the handset from the cradle. To listen to messages privately, simply lift the handset either before or after pressing lightbar. To hang up after listening to voice mail messages, either replace the handset in the cradle or press the lightbar once.
Cleaning Telephone Faceplates
If the faceplate area gets smudged or dirty, first remove the clear plastic faceplate overlay and clean it separately. The clear plastic faceplate overlay is held on by 6 little tabs. By pushing it towards you with your thumb from the very top of the phone, it will warp up slightly in the middle, and can then be easily lifted up in the middle with a fingernail or a small screwdriver. Then it will pop right out. Clean and completely dry the clear plastic faceplate overlay before putting it back on the phone. Make sure the clear plastic sheet is completely dry on both sides before putting it back on the phone. This way the printed paper faceplate underneath doesn’t get wet and wrinkled or stained. When putting the faceplate back on, make sure that all the little tabs fit down into the matching slots in the telephone body. To keep all your faceplates looking really nice, order 1 extra pre-printed paper faceplate for every 5 to 10 phones in your property at the time of your initial faceplate order, so they can be changed later whenever they get badly stained. Ordering spare faceplates with the original order saves additional setup and minimum order charges that apply to small orders of pre-printed faceplates.
Cleaning Telephone Keys
If enough liquid has been spilled on a phone to cause the buttons and keys to stick, it sometimes may be necessary to have it disassembled and professionally cleaned by a qualified electronic technician, or even replace it. Spilled soft drinks are particularly likely to make the buttons and keys stick, as sugar becomes very sticky when it starts to dry out. However, there is one way to clean sticky keys in the field without taking the phone completely apart. First, disconnect the telephone from the wall outlet. Then remove both the clear plastic faceplate covering and the paper one underneath. Cut a business card or other thin but sturdy paper or thin plastic material into thin strips that will fit into the narrow cracks around the keys. Working this in and out of all the spaces between the keys and the telephone body may clear up sticky keys. It is Ok to dampen the card material slightly with Fantastic or spray cleaner. But don’t allow an excessive amount of liquid to run down into the keys. Allow the phone to dry out for a couple of hours before plugging it back in.
Cleaning Telephone Cords
Handset cords can be more easily cleaned if unplugged from both the phone and the handset first. Then you can wipe them thoroughly with a cloth dampened with your favorite “no-rinse” spray cleaner. It is also much easier to untangle handset cords when detached from the handset and the phone. Keep a few spare handset cords on hand to replace ones that get badly tangled or really dirty. Spare handset cords are available at very reasonable prices. Replace all handset cords that are torn or frayed at the ends, or don’t make a good solid connection when they are snapped into the handset or the telephone body. This reduces problems with static on the phone line and with handsets cutting in and out because of bad cords and bad connections at their sockets.
Cleaning Telephone Handsets
It is easiest to clean a handset if it is first disconnected from the handset cord. Use “no-rinse” cleaner sprayed on a soft cloth. Be sure to have spare handsets available in case you have some handsets get too dirty to clean. We recommend keeping one spare handset for every 25 telephones, as occasionally one will break if it’s dropped on the floor too many times. When a phone seems to no longer be working, try a new handset and handset cord first before sending in the whole telephone for repair. Over half of all phone problems are caused by bad handsets and bad handset cords. If a handset seems to have loose parts rattling around inside, it has probably been dropped and should be replaced.
Programming Lobby and Emergency Phones
Scitec lobby and emergency hotel phones are designed to operate in conjunction with a PBX phone system or in ring-down mode through service provided by a local telephone company. The phones do not have any internal dialing capabilities.